Take a peek at the amazing renovation the City of San Antonio is doing at Dignowity Park!

Jul 20, 2022 | YouTube

Today’s Ask An Arborist is living proof that sometimes tree unfortunately fail, when that happens we are called in to to do an ethical tree removal. See how we can tell it’s unsafe and how we will make the most of the removal in this project with the City of San Antonio! This project is in collaboration with TBG Partners.

Stay tuned as we salvage the wood out of this old Red Oak and turn it into benches, a monument and more to beautify the Dignowity Dog Park!

With these type of projects there is often an unfortunate amount of waste that occurs, we are able to transform that waste into large scale projects, artwork, and custom furniture that will live on for generations. Call us for your tree care needs at 210-440-1049.

#SanAntonio #community #environment #zerowaste #shorts #parkrenovation #parksandrec #treefailing